Vegetarian Quinoa Recipes

Vegetarian quinoa burgersVegetarian quinoa burgers

Our family loves vegetarian quinoa recipes!

You’ve probably already noticed that most -- if not all -- of our recipes on this site are meatless. In other words, they’re mostly all vegetarian.

Our family isn’t strictly vegetarian. We do eat meat occasionally. But we generally feel better when we leave meat out of the equation.

So we hope you enjoy this select group of quinoa recipes that even a vegetarian -- like you and I -- can love!

And maybe you have a recipe you'd like to contribute to this page. Go ahead and do it by clicking here. You can peruse the vegetarian quinoa recipes that your fellow quinoa-enthusiasts have posted down below.

Now, on to the recipes!

Quinoa Baby Food

We think you’ll agree that our quinoa baby food recipe is quick and healthy

It’s Quick

The ingredients are simple -- quinoa, carrots, oil, and water. And the process is just as easy -- just blend until it’s smooth.

It’s Healthy

Sometimes when you buy baby food, you just don’t know what’s in it or even who made it.

With this recipe you can have peace of mind knowing that your baby is eating the best and healthiest ingredients. 

And don’t forget the secret ingredient! Love. I don’t think Gerber includes that one.

Quinoa Bread Recipe

There’s no doubt about it -- our quinoa bread recipe is yummy.

When you make this recipe you’ll be adding the nutritional benefits of quinoa to the bread you already love.

So, give it a try!

Hot Quinoa Cereal

Try our quinoa hot cereal recipe to add a healthy gluten-free alternative to your normal breakfast menu.

Quinoa Pancakes

Another breakfast item! What a treat.

Quinoa pancakes are a favorite in our house. They’re tasty, so the kids love them. And they’re healthy, so we love them!

Quinoa Porridge Recipe

Just admit it. You really like porridge. But you need to avoid gluten.

Then why not try our quinoa porridge recipe? Gluten-free is the way to be!

Quinoa Tabouli (Salads)

Now please admit something else, just between the two of us. You don’t know what tabouli even is! :)

Go ahead and find out on our quinoa tabouli recipe page. You might just have a new best friend!

Asian Quinoa Pudding

Our quinoa pudding recipe has a surprise awaiting you! ...

Oh, OK! I’ll let the secret out. On that recipe page we have not just one but two recipes! One recipe for American-style pudding and another for Asian-style pudding.

Enjoy them both!

Vegetarian Quinoa Recipes for Dinner

Let us recommend to you a couple recipes for dinner.

We think you’ll enjoy our Spanish quinoa recipe. You get your money’s worth by simply clicking that link and looking at the picture we took! I’d love to have some right now.

But what dinner is complete without a dessert? That’s why we’d also recommend our quinoa cookies recipe. Just imagine! Cookies that are actually healthy!

Quinoa Pilaf Recipe

Try making our quinoa pilaf recipe! If for no other reason, do it to fill your abode with that delicious smell of roasted quinoa.

Our Favorite of the Vegetarian Quinoa Recipes... Quinoa Burgers!

And lastly -- but not leastly -- we would urge you to try our quinoa burgers recipe.

A meatless burger made of quinoa! It’s quite a sight. And it’s sure to be one of your favorite vegetarian quinoa recipes.

Have a Great Vegetarian Quinoa Recipe?

Now it’s your turn! Tell us about your favorite vegetarian quinoa recipe. You know -- the one your family and friend all love. That one!

We’ll even make it into a contest! Every quarter -- that’s three months, of course! -- we’ll be giving away a $25 gift card to the submitter who has the highest-rated quinoa recipe.

There are a few options for the gift card -- Amazon being one of them. It's your choice.

We’ll announce winners in March, June, September, and December. You can submit as many recipes as you want.

So what do you have to lose? Share your favorite quinoa salad recipe with all the friendly visitors of this site.

Be sure to share any pictures of the finished product and the process. They'll appear alongside your recipe. Just make sure they're re-sized to 800x600 pixels.

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What Other Visitors Have Said

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Hearty Lentil Quinoa Vegetarian Stew Not rated yet
Our family lives in the "Frozen Tundra" that is Wisconsin. So we enjoy this hearty stew especially in the cold winter months. Lentil Quinoa Stew Ingredients …

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