Quinoa Burgers

Quinoa burgers on a cookie sheet

Why quinoa burgers, you ask?

Imagine that you're planning to have a nice juicy burger this weekend. Oh, wait. Your healthy lifestyle has you thinking again about red meat or maybe meat, period.

No problem. This recipe is the answer to your culinary quandary!

Our family loves these burgers. They're delicious, healthy, and easy to make.

We think they'll find a place in your heart as well.

Quinoa Burgers: Ingredients

  • ½ Cup zucchini, shredded

    Tip: Substitute carrots and see what you think.

  • 1 ½ Cup garbanzo beans, rinsed, drained, soaked overnight, and cooked for two (2) hours

    Tip: If you're strapped for time, substitute canned garbanzo beans.

  • 1 ½ Cup quinoa, cooked

    : Read how to cook quinoa for a refresher.

  • 1 Garlic clove, minced

  • 1 Tbs Chia, ground

    Tip: If you don't have chia seed try ground flax seed.

  • 1 tsp Cumin

  • 1 tsp Lemon juice

  • 1 tsp Salt

    Tip: Our family uses and heartily recommends Redmond RealSalt.

Quinoa Burgers: How to Make Them

Quinoa burgers with sides
  1. Process shredded zucchini until chunky.

    Tip: Be sure to use a food processor with an "S" blade.

  2. Add beans, quinoa and garlic.

  3. Process mixture until smooth, scraping down the sides once in a while.

  4. Add remaining ingredients and process until well-mixed.

  5. Scoop mixture out onto lightly greased cookie sheet using a tablespoon.

  6. Press down with a spoon dipped in oil.

    Tip: We use grapeseed oil for cooking. It has a higher tolerance for heat, so it doesn't burn as easily. It also doesn't become as acidic as other oils when heated.

  7. Bake at 375 degrees for 15 minutes.

Quinoa Burgers: Customize and Accesorize Your Burger

Have some fun! Make these burgers into any imaginable shape or size. And then...show us what you come up with!

The first time around we made these into mini-burgers. They fit perfectly on the buns.

That's right, we had "buns" with these burgers. But don't worry. They were gluten-free buns -- cabbage leaves, actually!

Just set these burgers on top of some guacamole in a cabbage leaf and you're ready to enjoy a satisfying and meat-free + gluten-free meal.

Have you looked at the pictures on this page? Do you see what looks like tomatoes and cheese on top of these burgers in one of them?

Cheese on a dairy-free burger??? That's right. Almond cheese, to be precise!

Quinoa Burgers: Try Other Delicious Ingredients

We like playing -- I mean, experimenting -- with our food and we'd recommend you do the same. This is why some of the ingredients we provided are marked as optional.

Go ahead and try other ingredients (did someone say 5 Tbs chopped onions??). Do you think 1 tsp paprika and 1 tsp basil would really improve this recipe? Try it!

Take out the chia seed and flax. But remember -- if you do you'll need to bake them a little bit longer. How much longer? Say, 30 minutes, flipping after 15.

Mix and match. And when you finally perfect your recipe...let us know! We're always hungry for new twists on great recipes!

Quinoa Burgers: Maximize Your Recipe's Yield

Most of our early attempts at making these burgers...well, how shall I say this...I think the pan itself would get more of the burger than our family would. In other words, our burgers stuck to the pan.

That's why we seriously recommend using an oven to cook your quinua burgers. More burger for you, less for the pan...a win-win situation!

What's Next?

Check out our other delicious quinoa recipes.

Or keep looking around the site to find more helpful information about quinoa.

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