Quinoa Baby Food Recipes

Baby with messy face enjoying quinoaBaby with messy face enjoying quinoa

Look no farther than these quinoa baby food recipes for baby food with nutrition and flavor!

This stuff is so good that you’ll probably find yourself resisting the urge to eat it all before it even gets to your baby’s plate! But please do resist. Baby needs food, after all.

You might even like these recipes so much that you come up with your own. Tell us about it below. And see what other visitors have sent us.

But before we get to the recipes, let’s focus-in on why you’d even want to make quinoa baby food. What’s in it for baby?...

Why would you want to make quinoa baby food recipes?

If you ever look at a package of baby formula you’ll probably notice something. It’s iron-fortified. Why?

Iron helps in the development of baby’s hemoglobin and brain. So you want your baby to get about 11 milligrams of iron every day.

Often people will direct you to beef or chicken for this mineral. So you’d be surprised to discover this little-known secret…

Ounce-for-ounce, quinoa has more iron than chicken. Quinoa has just one-tenth less of a milligram of iron compared to ground beef.

Isn’t that amazing? You can discover more about the iron content of quinoa here.

So let’s find a delicious way to get this iron-rich food to your baby...

Tell us about your favorite baby food recipe with quinoa!

We’d love to hear about the quinoa baby food recipe that your baby loves the most! So would all of our visitors, for that matter.

Tell us all about it below and we’ll even throw in an Amazon gift card to the best recipe.

For inspiration, check out all the other baby food recipes that our visitors have shared.

Now, back to the recipes!

Our signature quinoa baby food recipe

Here’s our pretty simple -- and very healthy -- quinoa baby food recipe…

Take cooked quinoa, steamed carrots, oil, and water. Then blend and stir until it’s smooth.

Add green peppers if your baby is experiencing constipation. It’ll do the trick! Trust us.

Get more details about this baby food recipe here.

Easy quinoa baby food recipe

In this recipe, Michelle from Petit Organics shows us how to make a really simple baby cereal made of quinoa.

All you need is some quinoa flour and water.

You'll notice in the video that Michelle grinds some quinoa seeds to make quinoa flour. If you don’t know how to do this we’ll lead you through it on our quinoa flour page.

Then in a pot just add water to the flour. Heat it and stir until gooey.

She suggests adding a fruit puree to the quinoa mixture -- apple, banana, or kiwi.

I like the recipe. The only issue I see is if you add banana. You'd want to make sure that the banana is completely ripe. Otherwise bananas can cause constipation (See Step 6 on this link).

Baby Bullet quinoa baby food recipe

This recipe features Catherine producing some “quinoa banana mash” in her Baby Bullet. Apparently, Baby Bullet is a mixer designed especially for creating baby food concoctions.

This is another simple recipe. The ingredients consist only of cooked quinoa, yogurt, and a half of a banana.

The yogurt gives your baby some good fat. The banana adds sweetness. And the quinoa packs the nutrition.

Apple and quinoa baby food recipe

In this recipe, a lady named Kalpna leads us through making an apple and quinoa mixture for your baby.

She starts by citing the dangers of store-bought baby food. In particular, she tells us that the excessive heat used to can baby food might cause the chemicals in the lid to leach into the food. Yuck!

Her recipe is fairly simple. Cook-up some quinoa. Boil a few apples. Then blend it all together.

Now, by this point... am I the only one noticing that making quinoa baby food is pretty simple?

The last minute or so of the video is a sales pitch for her company BOBOBABY. So you can skip it and get to making your baby food -- unless you’re interested in buying her products.

And speaking of buying quinoa baby food, let’s talk about that for a minute…

Buy quinoa baby food?

So we’ve given you several recipes. By this time several of your fellow-visitors have left their own recipes.

But maybe you’d rather have the convenience of buying your quinoa baby food instead of making it yourself. Maybe you're crunched for time...

Do you have a great quinoa baby food recipe to share?

Do you have a great quinoa baby food recipe to share? Share it for all to see!

You'll even be entered for a chance to win a $25 gift card! So, what do you have to lose?

Include any pictures of the process or product as well.

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